Tag Book

by DiRten

Adds a menu to the game in which all map markers are ordered. They can be filtered and sorted. There are also additional buttons that allow you to view the marker from the list on the map and mark it with a ping. (default key "B")

2 years ago
Transportation Trains Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network

i Do not show tags from other surfaces (by default)

1 year, 3 months ago

If you are playing with mods that support multiple surfaces for the game (example: SE),
it would be a good idea to filter all tags of other surfaces (I mean not the current one) from the list (by default)

"by default" — I mean, this should be the default behavior, since you don't expect to get a list from other surfaces - you can't view their position on the map or do anything else.
But, if you want to mess with the code logic, you can return the whole list when you press some button/checkbox

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