Tag Book

by DiRten

Adds a menu to the game in which all map markers are ordered. They can be filtered and sorted. There are also additional buttons that allow you to view the marker from the list on the map and mark it with a ping. (default key "B")

2 years ago
Transportation Trains Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network

b Slow down when using waypoint's remote

2 years ago

I opened a bug for the mod "Spidertron Patrols" about freezing ocurring when using a waypoint's remote and find out that this mod is contributing for the problem!

The bug report: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/SpidertronPatrols/discussion/640e71cba2d6963a02cd377e


2 years ago

I made a temporary fix locally:


Feel free to use-it!

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