Spidertron Patrols

Send spidertrons on patrols and automatically load and unload them using docks. Adds mid-game spiderling to allow the new features to be used sooner. Simpler alternative to AAI Programmable Vehicles. Allows creating patrols for Lex's Aircraft.

2 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Logistics Combat

i [Declined] Configurable spiderling grid?

1 year, 17 days ago

I really like the size of the smaller spiderling, it feels less cumbersome than the full-scale spidertron, but the small grid size makes it really impractical. I know increasing the grid size would make it far too overpowered for when you get it, but I personally would be fine with the imbalance. Could you add a config option to adjust the spiderling's grid size please? Or is there a way to do it by editing one of the mod's files?

8 months ago

I'm not planning to add a mod setting for this, but it is easy to edit in prototypes/equipment-grid.lua

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