Simple Radio Towers

Transmit signals over unlimited distances, instead of running wires between outposts. Available cheap and early-game. Re-skin of AAI Signal Transmission plus tweaks.

7 months ago
Circuit network
7 months ago
Latest Version:
1.1.0 (7 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
278 users

NOTE: In Factorio 2.0, all radars on the same surface are connected to each other's circuit network. So you don't need a mod like this, unless you want to have separate channels. Might port this to 2.0 for that reason.

This mod re-skins and tweaks the AAI Signal Transmission mod, so that instead of using massive buildings to beam signals between planets, you use cheap radio towers to transmit signals between outposts or islands.

Specifically, this mod changes:

  • Graphics of the signal transmitter/receiver - to look like radio towers.
  • The technology - now placed after circuit network, in the early game.
  • Recipes - cheaper, and available in the early game.
  • Power consumption - reduced, now comparable to a vanilla radar station.
  • Names and descriptions of items, entities, and the technology.
  • Misc tweaks - sounds, collision boxes, circuit connection points.

This mod does not implement or modify any of the signal-communication logic. That's handled by AAI Signal Transmission.

How to transmit signals?
Build a radio transmitter and connect red/green wires to it. Then build a receiver anywhere else. There is no limit on distance. You can leave the radio towers on the default channel, or create as many named channels as you want, to separate signals.

Similar mods to consider:

  • RadioNetwork adds 5 new techs, 3 tiers of transmitters, 3 tiers of receivers, a repeater, and a satellite. The tiers differ in their maximum range and number of signals supported. In comparison, Simple Radio Towers adds 1 tech, 1 transmitter, and 1 receiver, all of which are available early and cheap and with no limit on distance. We are using the same graphics, see below.
  • Shortwave (1.1 version and original) also adds unlimited-range signal transmission but has different graphics/theming and UI, and allows multiple channels per receiver. It uses one building for transmitting and receiving.
  • Kontraptions adds signal transceivers with named channels. It uses one building for both transmitting and receiving. It also includes 9 unrelated features that cannot be turned off.
  • RadioNetwork_Fix is RadioNetwork but with several modifications.

The radio tower graphics: I took them from RadioNetwork, which got them from "similar mods" (?) under an unrestricted license. I upscaled the images and edited them. If you know the original artist, message me and I will credit them.

Originally created for my modpack Desolation, which has not been published yet. In Desolation you can only build on small patches of warm land separated by vast expanses of barren tundra. So you cannot connect signals between outposts in the usual way, with power poles. I decided to publish just these changes separately because it's self-contained and might be useful to other people.

Signals can be transmitted between surfaces/planets. This mod is for modpacks where you're on a single planet, so radio towers are more thematically appropriate than AAI Signal Transmission's sprites. If you're playing a modpack with multiple planets, like Space Exploration, rather just use AAI Signal Transmission.