But if the texture the only problem so what? Than have the other ore not the same cubic pictures. There are other mods they use the picture from other mods and make an extra icon over it to have an distinguishable picture. https://mods.factorio.com/mods/EmperorZelos/omnimatter_compression do it so.
Maybe this are than only the modicon with 50% opacity and you're cubic shadow under this with 100%. Any thing like this maybe? I eont know, im not a programmer. Maybe you can ask the other mod writer?
Or use exact the same icons from the other ores (for compress and decompress) and sort all recieps in an extra Tab for the craftingmenue for simple compress. So the user dont need a seperate icon. If there are a Tab "simple compress" and there are allways two same picture - left side compress, right side decompress its easy for the user to understand this and dont need a seperate picture.
Youre handmade picture are nice, this is not the question but if the people who play with Bob/Angel (i think there many people to play this) cant use youre mod because only the picture i think the people can good live with not handmade picture - if they can use than youre mod.
Sorry, i dont know if you know what i mean whith my bad english and we have here 08:20 in the morning and im suoper tired and must realy go sleep ;-).
Thank you.