Schall Recipe Scaling

Adds scaled up version of recipes, in order to get around the game limitation (60 crafting per second) faced by very high speed machines. This allows for true mass production under healthy UPS. Designed for supporting scaled up machines from “Schall Machine Scaling” mod. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Responded] How to enable machines from Krastorio?

5 years ago


thank you for the mod, this is very welcomed in my base which is hitting UPS limits at all ends,
despite Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes and Deadlock Stacked Recipes mods...

Could you please help me with modifying it for Krastorio?

How do I find out the necessary Machine string?

Thank you!

5 years ago

When in player crafting menu or hovering over such machine entity and in debug mode (enable/disable by pressing F5) should show the machine name (something like "assembling-machine-3" for vanilla AM3).
If you have problem finding that out, then directly ask authors of Krastorio. They know that the best.

5 years ago

Thank you for the advice. It worked exactly how you described.
The assemblers worked, but the mater assemblers were only able to produce a specific item in Krastorio.

I tested the speed against Deadlock Stacked Recipes and it seems that that one is a bit more UPS efficient, so I reverted back to that. Unfortunately it is not as easy to get in touch with the dev as with you.

Thank you for your other mods as well!!
The uncraft is a godsend!

5 years ago

Great you worked that out.

Not surprised if you are also using Deadlock stacks mod which effectively modifies stack size and compresses number of entities on belts, something I did not touch. I did not particularly take that in mind when creating this mod, so is not optimized for that.

Thanks for your support. Good to hear people found useful applications with my mods.

5 years ago

In a recent fix, Deadlock Stacked Recipes can be used together with this mod.
I test-played a bit, and found that the two can work together, generating a set of both scaled & stacked recipes, though I did not expect anything like that before. :D
Don't know if you have uninstalled this mod already, but the above fun findings may interest you.

5 years ago

I just tried it out - It seems that the recipes are being altered from Krastorio ones.
E.g. blue circuits need sulfur, whereas in Krastorio they do not need it.

I also failed to understand how to feed the stacked items into the machines directly.
Would you mind to share a screenshot, when convenient?

Thank you a lot

5 years ago

I just tried it out - It seems that the recipes are being altered from Krastorio ones.
E.g. blue circuits need sulfur, whereas in Krastorio they do not need it.

The blue circuit recipes look fine to me. No sulfur needed, like what Krastorio version of it. What problem have you encountered actually?

I also failed to understand how to feed the stacked items into the machines directly.
Would you mind to share a screenshot, when convenient?

The stacked items are fed into the machines just like normal items. Here I use loaders, but inserters just work the same.
Don't find any problems at all.
Normal items for normal recipe; stacked items for stacked recipe. Just don't mix things and things work fine.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thank you for the explanations.
I need to try again - maybe some other mods interfere.
The sulfur recipe showed up in the Krastorio assemblers - since I don't use the vanilla ones.
I did enable the Krastorio assemblers as described.
I did not see the stacked reciepies show up - do they only work with your other machine mod?

But holy ... 200 STACKED items ... hehehe MASSIVE UPS GAIN!

Thank you!

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Maybe a little more details into krastorio issues which i have also encountered:
Basic Situation:
Krastorio adds various intermediate resource ( titan, tantalum, sand etc) and changes some vanilla recipes to use the more difficult materials to produce better yields (with the cost of an additional processing step). There can be multiple recipes with different ingredients/cost for the same item crafted in the same machine.
Also Krastorio adds a fluid "matter" used to convert between resource types for a very high energy cost. (Item --(energy)> Matter-fluid --(energy)> Item)

I have encountered three different types of issues with the interaction of your mod and krastorio:
- the plants "matter-assembler" (Ingame: Matter fabrication plant) or "k-quantum-computer" (Quantum computer) have most recipes previosly availiable for that machine disappear
- for the plant "k-advanced-furnace" ("Advanced Furnace") the different recipes for the creation of iron plates (directly from iron ore, or from processed iron ore) are scaled differently breaking the game balance for these recipes
- the krastorio changes to the ingredients of some recipes (by replacing the recipe with its own version(s) ) are reverted by the mod ( example: vanilla rocket fuel, low density parts)

Please excuse the very superficial bug report for now, but as i would expect rather complex debugging it might be the fastest way if you added creative mod, krastorio and the scaling to a blank map and crosscheck the starting points i have provided with your implementation based on a simple save. If there is anything i can do to proviode more details please specify what you need.

tech stuff: i have enabled the recipes for the top tier of krastorio machines using brute force without trying to pattern-match using "k-advanced-chemical-plant,advanced-assembler,k-quantum-computer,k-filtration-plant,k-advanced-furnace,matter-assembler"

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