Schall Machine Scaling

Adds scaled up versions in different sizes for various machines. Number of overtiers can be freely adjusted. Designed for megabases and gigabases, by reducing total number of entities (thus reduced save file size, improved UPS). Includes assembling machine 3, chemical plant, electric furnace, oil refinery, centrifuge, lab, boiler, steam engine, steam turbine, heat exchanger, nuclear reactor, storage tank. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro, Русский)

3 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Manufacturing Power Storage

g [Pending] Space Age

4 months ago

I hope we get to enjoy all of your creations again. Do you have a patreon or something?

[deleted message]
3 months ago

Thanks for your support and patience.
This mod is just updated to 2.0 vanilla. Hope you enjoy it!

I may add the Space Age DLC machines (like Crusher, Electromagnetic plant, Biolab, etc) to the list.
However, that would be after making all my mods to work in 2.0 first. And I will have to finish my first 2.0 game first before purchasing DLC. All these will take some time.

I only have Ko-fi account at the moment.
If you enjoy my work, you can check it out here. Thanks! ;-)

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