Schall Machine Scaling

Adds scaled up versions in different sizes for various machines. Number of overtiers can be freely adjusted. Designed for megabases and gigabases, by reducing total number of entities (thus reduced save file size, improved UPS). Includes assembling machine 3, chemical plant, electric furnace, oil refinery, centrifuge, lab, boiler, steam engine, steam turbine, heat exchanger, nuclear reactor, storage tank. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro, Русский)

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
Manufacturing Power Storage

i Option: Remove the ability to be effected by Beacons.

4 months ago

I don't find this idea of mine to be "good" per se, as we could just disable the beacons recipe on our server, but, I thought I'd suggest it as a setting because the large size of the machines, instead of encouraging "making a base with the new machines" seems only to encourage "drop ONE machine and stick 60 beacons around it", so just disabling beacons interaction as a game settings for the mod would encourage more "normal" layouts.

The base machines already have a massive multiplier. The ability to have one being targeted by A TON of beacons at once makes a mockery of why beacons have a small range.

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