Schall Belt Configuration

A minimalistic mod allowing changing vanilla belt settings, including belt speed and underground belt max distance. Also adds options on unlocking loaders, short loaders and lane splitters. Supports mods “Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders” and “Space Exploration”. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

i [Solved] Krastorio support

5 years ago

Could u add option for Krastorio? Krastorio add 4° tier of belt, maybe this information could be useful if u decide to do it:
Superior belt --> item\prototipe_name = "k-transport-belt"
Default speed = 0.125

Superior underground belt --> item\prototipe_name = "k-underground-belt"
Default speed = 0.125
Default max_distance = 30

Superior splitter --> item\prototipe_name = "k-splitter"
Default speed = 0.125

5 years ago

Yes, it is doable. I guess it is easy enough for me to implement (and future debug), without having to crawl through your code. :-)

But since it needs extra option settings, I prefer it to be in an extension mod instead. My temporary mod name is "Schall Belt Configuration × Krastorio".
I will inform you when it is done. Maybe tomorrow or this weekend.

BTW, looking at your locale files, I found the followings:

loader-kr-02=Fast loader
loader-kr-03=Express loader
loader-kr-04=Superior loader

Are they acting like the (hidden) vanilla loaders? Need to apply the speed to them as well?

5 years ago

If u want a better compatibility yes, they are like vanilla loaders with Krastorio skin, and they are 1x1 istead 2x1 and have a special snapping script loaded in control (nothing that u have to worry about)

5 years ago

Yes, it will be done too. Loaders being slower than corresponding belts will be a major problem.
Size does not matter. Just extra 4 lines of code.

5 years ago

Just released Schall Belt Configuration × Krastorio. Please take a look.

If you have locale like Italian or other community translations (I noticed Krastorio has a lot of that), you can send me the files. I will include them in next versions. (My usual upload schedule is Thursdays.)
Or do you want me to grant you collaborator permission, so you can maintain and upload yourself?

5 years ago

Great! I will try it later

Our translators are sporadic, I dunno where are many of them now, I can translate only in Italian, I'm sorry :(
About collaboration, as u wish, I don't know if u need an help to check bugs

5 years ago

Just added you as collaborator there.
I guess you are familiar with that from your experience working in Krastorio, and I trust you will be doing well.

I understand. Community translations are voluntary work. No need to "enforce" anything. :-)
My idea is just let your community know of the mod, and those interested will do that.

I am not worried about bugs checking. This code should be (one of) the simplest ever on this mod portal...
But when there are any prototype name changes or default speed changes made in Krastorio, you will probably know that well faster than me. Then you can use your collaborator right to launch a quick fix.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hi Linver, someone commented in this post that Krastorio has introduced a new loader "Superior Loader" (or "k-transport-belt-loader"?).

Can you confirm on this?
Can you provide speed info of this loader, and any additional belts/loaders you may have added?

EDIT: If possible, can you also give my the dependency for the version of the mod, where the new entity was added?

5 years ago

Not recently, exist in the mod before the 1.0.0. The 4-tier "loader" localized name is "Superior Loader", the real name is "loader-kr-04" and u can get the speed from:


(k-transport-belt is the 4-belt-tier[purple] added by Krastorio).
I don't know where this information come from, maybe refer to space loader added by Krastorio if SE is installed?

5 years ago

If it were "loader-kr-04", it was already supported.
That user told about "k-transport-belt-loader", so I am more confused than both of you actually... :-S

You can look into the post where saldarkseed reported this. (Link in my last reply.)
He/she posted 4 screenshots that suggest it was introduced by Krastorio.
Maybe it is better if you can communicate with him/her directly.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

OK, reading the post I have understand. Krastorio support Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders in recipes and beltbox tiers, "k-transport-belt-loader" is the loader autogenerated from Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders in the beltbox tier 4 (in fact "k-transport-belt" is the 4-belt-tier[purple] of Krastorio how I said). They are two equivalent loaders, the difference is what the user want keep enabled if the loader of Deadlock or Krastorio, the recipe and aspect is different, but the speed is the same.

5 years ago

Er... seems Krastorio and Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders (using shorthand: DSBCL) are interacting with each other to generate this new loader. But I still not fully understand the exact situation...
1. Is "k-transport-belt-loader" generated by Krastorio code? Or by DSBCL code?
2. If done by Krastorio, can you tell me the data stage it is created? (data, data-updates, date-final-fixes?)

PS: Maybe I am too tired and/or impatient. I crawled through DSBCL code and cannot find where the new loader is created.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

1. By DSBCL code after Krastorio generate the beltbox of 4-belt-tier(purple). U can add beltboxes in DSBCL if exist a new belt tier with an DSBCL API
2. I call the API in 'data' data stage, I'm not usure if DSBCL will create it in following data stages

If u want more information look in Krastorio:
Krastorio/data.lua (line 84)
Krastorio/compatibility-scripts/data/deadlock-beltboxes-loaders.lua (all file)

And DSBCL (inside the mod)
DSBCL/prototypes/public.lua (API)(deadlock.add_tier(tier_table))(line: 12 and line: 124)
DSBCL/prototypes/create_loader.lua (all file)

PS: seems that calling deadlock.add_tier will directly create the loader and the beltbox so probably is created in 'data' data stage, but I don't swear

5 years ago

Just released update 0.17.1, which updates for superior loader and superior beltbox.
The new entities are made in data stage, which is a good practice. :-) So I can just change the speed in data-changes stage, as what I did in this parent mod.

New response