Schall Belt Configuration × Krastorio

An extension from “Schall Belt Configuration”. Supports mod “Krastorio”. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro)

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i [Solved] superior deadlock loaders

5 years ago

would be nice if you could add superior deadlock loaders to work with the config change
as it seems they stay as 60
the loaders that come with Krastorio work fine but the deadlock only work for the base versions

5 years ago

Which mod are you talking about?
Honestly, the only Deadlock loader mod I know is Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders, which is already supported by parent mod Schall Belt Configuration. Those three loaders do not have any "superior" prefix.

5 years ago

i might be a bit confused maybe its a loader that krastorio is adding
this is a screen shot

this is the express that is being affected properly

and this is the forth tier version looks like krastorio is adding in to it i guess

and this is Krastorio's actual loader

im wondering if there's a way to get that simpler loader to also change its speed

5 years ago

figured it out we added dr["loader"]["k-transport-belt-loader"].speed = speed_T4 and now it works

5 years ago

Krastorio's co-author Linver have requested this mod and provided all the needed info.
I am not a player of Krastorio, so I am asking him directly and waiting about the details.

5 years ago

No problems and thank you for the awesome mods :)

5 years ago

Just released update 0.17.1.
Not only the superior loader, adaptation is also made for the superior beltbox.

New response