Schall Belt Configuration

A minimalistic mod allowing changing vanilla belt settings, including belt speed and underground belt max distance. Also adds options on unlocking loaders, short loaders and lane splitters. Supports mods “Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders” and “Space Exploration”. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g [Solved] Support for bob belts?

5 years ago

Tier 4 and tier 5?
Acn we tune it via options if bob's logistics is installed?

5 years ago

Not supported yet.
And I doubt whether Bob's logistics need this? Since there is a certain limit in speed, where graphics start to glitch or even stop working! I guess tier 4 and 5 already fill the usable belt speed range, maybe?

4 years ago

4 and 5 conveer added in support of the mod

4 years ago

Thanks for the code, velas85.
I have a few questions regarding how to implement the code:
1/ As it will add two extra options in mod settings (which would be displayed weirdly for those not using Bob's mod), would you mind me publish it as an extension mod? I would be like what I do for Schall Belt Configuration × Krastorio... This would be named something like "Schall Belt Configuration × Bob's Logistics" (or you can suggest).
2/ Would you take the role of co-author (or even as main author) or the new extension mod? As I am not playing Bob's mods myself, you have to be the person to update/maintain it.
3/ Are the extra two belt tiers provided by Bob's Logistics mod? I need to set the right dependency link, so I have to know which exactly the belts come from.

4 years ago
  1. Answer the first question. The mod can be named as you like and as you said.
  2. The author or someone else don't want to be. Because there is no such knowledge of coding, I'm still learning so to speak.
  3. conveera 4 and 5 adds the boblogistics mod.
    4.Compact loaders are taken from the mod deadlock-integrations.
4 years ago

for other Loaders, you would need to fasten the graphics

4 years ago

If you do not want to maintain and update code, that would be a problem.
Because I am not playing Bob's mods myself, I can only help with the initial version. I am no longer willing to maintain mods I am not using myself. That would take away too much energy and time from me.
So finding all those belts, underground belts, splitters (and maybe loaders?) would have to rest in your own hands.

I have converted your code into a test mod.
I can see you have made the options and belt speed changes to belts only, BUT the code for underground belts nor splitters (nor loaders) are missing. Is this intended?

I can make the loader graphics for you, when you have the code. They would have colours rotated with current loader graphics, with sizes all the same.

4 years ago

in your code, everything seems to be fine, I just added a few lines to the mod Settings so that you could change the speed of 4 and 5 and the length, the graphics are not for 4 and 5 loaders now. About belt speeds, I can answer too. when the belt speed changes both underground and splitters and loaders also change speed

4 years ago

in the settings, the belt speeds were changed, and the splitters were also directly proportional to the same speed settings

4 years ago

версия с графикой для 4 и 5 погрузчиков

4 years ago

Got your file, but the game cannot start with it. With error:

attempt to index field 'purple-loader' (a nil value)

So actually I have several questions/problems:
1/ Does Bob's mods have any T4 T5 loaders?
2/ If no, then it is the reason why it does not load with the above message. The loader item and entity does not exist. I can add the code to create them.
3/ The loaders have different prefix (purple, green) from Bob's belts (turbo, ultimate). Any reason they are different?
4/ Speed scale of belts should not be too high, going beyond 12 can be very buggy or simply stops moving. So I am restricting them to 12.

I still prefer it as an extension mod, rather than what you have presented (as main mod 0.19.1). And I will resume working on this, after obtaining answers from you.

PS: Just noticed that you speak Russian. Do you want to provide Russian translations for this mod and the extension text?

4 years ago

I think it will be easier for me to throw a link to a mini-build of mods for testing, it will not take much time, just you and conduct tests.
game version 18.22

4 years ago
  1. The fact is that the mod Loader Redux adds three loaders (loader, fast-loader, express-loader,) boblogistics adds two loaders (turbo and ultimate) these loaders have prefixes (purple and green), I looked there that if you remove the mod Loader Redux then an error POPs up that there is no one loader, the codes in two mods are registered, if you remove the mod boblogistics then only loaders from the Loder Redux mod will remain
4 years ago

based on what is on the modportal there are belt speeds and more there are at least more than 12

4 years ago

for example if you take this mod

4 years ago

there is a speed of 270 item/s

4 years ago

Oh, Loader Redux is the critical part it for the item and entity prototypes? Have to check if I have the time.
If so, then it needs one of either ways to prevent such game start error:
A/ Dependency on Loader Redux. (A strange solution, as our mods are basically doing the same thing... And consider Bob's players may actually not using that.)
B/ Make our own loaders here, properly-named and forget about the "purple"/"green" names. (Item & entity prototypes can be easily made. Just cloned from vanilla loaders and apply graphics.)
C/ Mix of A & B. Use A if Loader Redux is enabled, use B if not. (The code will be more complicated.)
PS: I still feel strange with the names. It is supposed to be working with Bob's logistics, but using different naming.

In my last test (some 0.17.xx), the belts are somewhat still fine at speed slightly higher than scale 12 (160 i/s), but splitters will jam. That was why I have set that as limit.
There are two posts in Ultimate Belts discussing about belt speeds:
[] mentioned the max speed is 120 i/s in 0.17.
[] mentioned it can reach 270 i/s since 0.17.52, but can drop to 120 i/s. But mod author said it was due to matter void.
I guess I have to run my own experiments to test the actual belt speeds limit, maybe on this weekend.

4 years ago

tweaked the mod removed the error was not, now works without LoaderRedux
to test skidding the mini build to version 18.26

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

That has been a wait, but I finally finished the code, and published it as Schall Belt Configuration × Bob's Logistics.

There are a few things to note:
A/ I do not like the outdated loader names "purple-" or "green-", and do not provide any support to them. I created new options from this mod to create loaders with proper names "turbo-loader" and "ultimate-loader" that are matching with Bob's Logistics theme. Users may turn this on or off, depending on their mod choices and preferences.
B/ Belt animations are glitched beyond 120 i/s.
C/ I have confirmed the loaders are capped at 120 i/s, tested on 0.17.79 and 0.18.31.
D/ Because of B and C, I decided to have the suggested limit to 120 i/s. (Otherwise, some user may complain my loaders are slower than the belts, which is completely not my fault.) Users may adjust the limits above 120i/s (or equivalently scale 8), but I take no reponsibilities on that.
E/ I am providing this first version 0.18.0. I am not playing with Bob's Logistics, so I will not take any responsibility to update it.
F/ You (or you may find some other users) will have to take the responsibility to update the code, in case any major changes are needed. Should I give you the collaborator status, so you can update and upload the mod on your own?

New response