Thanks for that detailed answer :D
I think effectively it would fit the napalm shell to deal damage on a wide consistent area yet with lower damage than classic shell. Yet having a one-shot AoE damage would not represent what incendiary weapons are usually used for : area denial.
The current state of the napalm shells falls down only because of the low damage dealt and perhaps a not long enough duration. Its aim would not to destroy whole nests (even if it would be useful) but prevent any spawned creature to move, being instantly burnt. It would be a nice pre-assaul tool however it would be too similiar to poison shell.
The poison shell, for its part, actually does a nice job in cleaning worms after bombing nests with vanilla shells or before an assault. It also quickly kills any creature spawning in the meantime. The mobile nature of poison clouds allow to reach a greater surface yet makes it more imprevisible and above all it doesn't hurt spawners so it's a balanced counterweight.
Here comes the question of the role of the napalm shell.
We have vanilla shell with high concentrated damage, able to be mass-produced
We have cluster shell dealing decent damage on several concentrated zones, a bit more expensive
We have poison shell, large area low damage over time
We have nuclear shell, top tier ammo, high damage, large area, expensive.
Napalm shell should play in the area of large area DoT with the ability to destroy spawners, deal damage for a medium duration, shorter than poison which could be used to temporarily sterilize nests by killing any spawning creature.
Nevertheless I'm wondering where is the difference between the fire patches of the napalm shell and the ones from handheld flamethrower. The latter are just burning enemies like paper.
Don't the napalm fire patches benefit from incendiary damage bonuses ? On the gif of your mod page, I can see flame explosions that utterly destroy nests, what happened since ?
About Angels': it's Petrochem that turns a lot of chemical recipes into custom ones.
For instance, crude oil is replaced with multiphase oil which you seperate to obtain crude oil, raw gas and sulfuric waste water.
Plastic is made from liquid plastic made from (on tier 1) from naphtha (heavy oil) + catalyst or from propene made from methanol made from methane separated from liquid gas made from raw gas made from natural gas
Solid fuel needs coke alongside fluid.
It does deeply changes a lot of things and they all have different categories and subgroups, like
For solid plastic :
category = "crafting-with-fluid",
subgroup = "petrochem-solids",
For solid fuel :
category = "liquifying",
subgroup = "petrochem-fuel",
For crude oil separation :
category = "oil-processing",
subgroup = "petrochem-carbon-oil-feed",
So I don't know what I could tell...