This mod is intended to be balanced with vanilla trains stats and vanilla combat vehicles.
And there are simply too many mods trying to apply their own set of train stats (cargo slots, weight, power, acceleration/deceleration, speed, health, etc) and on different data stages.
Adapting to one or two mods sounds easy. Yet this would quickly become very difficult (if not impossible) to re-balance, when multiple mods want to do the same thing. Therefore, sorry, I cannot include such changes as formal release.
However, you can modify your own copy to what you want to achieve.
Decompress the mod file, then open prototypes/armoured-trains.lua
with a decent text editor. Locate ["armoured-cargo-wagon"]
and inventory_size = 20,
. Then change it to any value you want, and save the file.
[] seems to tinker with other stats like weight and max power. You may have to adjust those lines accordingly.
PS: A decent text editor means anything except Microsoft Notepad... If you do not have one yet, try Sublime Text or Notepad++. Both are free to use.