Signal References
Range Control:
- R or F: (Far) Range, maximum scanning distance, in tiles (32 tiles per chunk)
- N: Near range, minimum scanning distance, in tiles.
Chunks within the minimum range will not be scanned
Arc Control:
- D: Direction, 1 for Clockwise, -1 for Anticlockwise
- B: Begin angle, -360..360, sweep constraint, in degrees
- E: End angle, -360..360, sweep constraint, in degrees
- S: Speed, 1..10, in inverse scare scale
In addition, the following signals from Schall Virtual Signal mod are supported:
- ↻ and ↺ (
If either is set (≠ 0), and Direction is unset, the respective direction (clockwise and anticlockwise) is considered.
If the Direction is unset, and the scanning arc is set (and it's not a full circle),
then the radar would oscillate between Begin and End angles.
Note that by now oscillation can't be controlled if the direction is set.
Default Settings:
If any (except for Begin and End angles) setting is missing in the input signal, the default values apply:
- Near Range: 0
- Far Range: 576 (18 tiles), can be changed in mod's settings
- Direction: Anticlockwise-oscillating, can be changed in mod's settings
- Speed: 5 (see below)
Invalid States:
Having any of the following would result in the invalid input state and lead to undefined behaviour:
- Both R and F values are set
- Any two of the following are set: D, ↻, or ↺
How does it work?
Arc Values
The degrees are located as follows:
- 0° or 360° is East
- 90° is South
- 180° is West
- 270° is North
All angles are converted to the [0; 360)
and then up to a full rotation is performed in the chosen direction.
Maintainer's Note:
This was nested from the previous maintainer, and I personally (as a mathematician)
don't like the fact angles mirror the trigonometrical plane.
I'll probably make a setting for that.
Speed Formula
The arc speed (in radians per tick) is calculated by the following formula:
The full circle rotation time is calculated as follows:
So, for the default settings (18 chunks radius and 5 scanning speed),
the full circle period would be approximately 203.58 seconds (3.4 minutes).
Here's calculated values for different speeds for the default range:
Speed | Circle Period |
1 | 9.4 minutes |
2 | 7.6 minutes |
3 | 6 minutes |
4 | 4.6 minutes |
5 | 3.4 minutes |
6 | 141 seconds |
7 | 90.5 seconds |
8 | 50.9 seconds |
9 | 22.6 seconds |
10 | 5.65 seconds |
Larger ranges would proportionally increase the circle period.
Smaller arcs won't affect the rotation speed, but will decrease the arc scan period.
Lamp Color Output
As for v0.4.x, lamp can be only in two states:
- Grey: Radar is disabled
- White: Radar is enabled
In the future releases, this will be changed to include additional state reporting.
(Like red lighting if the radar control input signal is invalid.)