Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

b [1.2.1] Error while changing the throw distance of inserter( press F) after CTRL+X "cut" [tis a mystery 🤷‍♂️]

1 year, 10 months ago

As the title suggest, i was able to reproduce consistently the error shown here :

It happened in a game that has Nullius mods and other mods too, so i made this save game in case :

I known it says 1.2.0 on the screenshot, but when typing this message i realized you updated the mod some hours ago, so i tried with 1.2.1, on a non-modded map ( with just Renai Transportation) And the same thing occured :

Step to reproduce :
Use the hotkey CTRL+X in order to "cut" the inserter located on the right of the player.
if you don't press any key, you now have a green preview of the inserter following the cursor, as for "paste".In this particular stage, pressing F will cause the error.

And also , if you just do CTRL+X, and then clear cursor, do other thing then CTRL+V and it is the thrower inserter that is ready to be pasted . Then pressing F as to change the throw distance of the green preview, will cause the error.

To make the mall on the left side i tried to place the throwers with their range already set. Some time i missclick and boom :/. My other way to do is using picker dollies mod, to move the thrower after i set their range, to try and reduce the spill over but it's not always possible x)

Still a super fun mod i recommend !!!

1 year, 10 months ago

I played around with this a lot but still couldn't find why it was happening or what the difference was with cut vs just holding the item. Copy seems to cause the same issue, but using Q to add thrower to the cursor is fine for some reason. Unfortunately for now I have to suggest just not doing it lmao. If I figure it out one day I'll be sure to let you know

1 year, 10 months ago

I have been following your advice of not doing the thing, and the error didn't show up again :)
If i find some other thing that can help tracking down the issue i will report

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