Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! Compatible for 2.0! Space Age specific features being added as I come up with them/get time to make them

7 hours ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

i Catcher Inserter and Magnetized Chest [Probably not 😔]

1 year, 10 months ago

A set of machines that can grab items flying above them. The magnetized chest could also have a smart variant that can have requests set like a logistic chest. Could allow a number of useful behaviors. Feeding multiple machines with the same thrower is the obvious one, but these could also be used with directed bounce pads to provide sushi belt like behavior, or with a lake to automatically void excess items. With space exploration these would be especially useful in a zero-gravity environment.

1 year, 10 months ago

The problem there would be that the thrower is active based on the thing it's targeting, for example it its pointing at a chest and the chest is full, the thrower wont run, meaning any of these 'catchers' along the throw path wouldn't be getting anything. If it just runs all the time items would pile up on the floor when the catchers dont need items. Maybe that could be the trade off?

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