Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! Compatible for 2.0! Space Age specific features being added as I come up with them/get time to make them

7 hours ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

b ZIpline Terminal Crash [Fixed ✅]

2 years ago

Error happens when clicking a terminal with left click (Programmable Zipline Controller is equipped)

Error data:

The mod Renai Transportation (1.1.6) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event RenaiTransportation::RTClick (ID 176)
RenaiTransportation/script/GUIs.lua:79: attempt to index field 'preferences' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
RenaiTransportation/script/GUIs.lua:79: in function 'ShowZiplineTerminalGUI'
RenaiTransportation/script/event/click.lua:108: in function <RenaiTransportation/script/event/click.lua:3>

2 years ago

I fixed this by changing line 79


if (PlayerProperties.preferences.ZiplineTerminalPreview == nil or PlayerProperties.preferences.ZiplineTerminalPreview == "camera") then


if (PlayerProperties.preferences == nil or PlayerProperties.preferences.ZiplineTerminalPreview == nil or PlayerProperties.preferences.ZiplineTerminalPreview == "camera") then

If also somebody doesn't want to wait for update

2 years ago

Thank you kind sir

2 years ago

Looks like when making the new system for the zipline terminals I missed creating the 'preferences' for new players on a new save. I'll put your fix in and some other fixes to hopefully fix the source of the issue

New response