Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! Compatible for 2.0! Space Age specific features being added as I come up with them/get time to make them

7 hours ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

b Zipline on ghosth wire [Fixed ✅]

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

It's not causing error or stoping the game, but there is this one place in my base where i can use the zipline between a substation and a ghost substation. When i reach the ghost i can continue flying in straight line in the air (above water) until i press F again. I couldn't reproduce in other part of the base but in 1 location it's consistent. I'm playing with a dozen mods to fit an island world , i can send a save file and indicate the location if one wants to have a closer look.

The mod is a lot of fun already :)

2 years ago

That is pretty wild. This sort of thing definitely only possible for me to solve with the save file if you still have it. If not that's alright, I agree it's not exactly a game breaking bug 😆. Glad to hear you're having fun with it still

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I still have the save game, and i noticed playing further that using the zipline enable the personnal roboport, robot built the ghost once, i removed the substation, and made it a ghost again, and it was still letting me fly over water.

also i figured i could find a way to upload the save and made indication on it : i can send it directly too if that is better

( i made a test map before the real one to test interaction, and i had at least 3 ideas for my game : 1) I can use zipline over water with floating pole to explore the seas 2) i can make a machine to throw my character over a canal both are very useful on island map 3) I can throw capsule fertilizer on the ground automatically )

Then i made a machine that lets you jump in the forest with pads hidden by trees, also i died a lot to establish that a 3x3 area in the water is a safe landing zone, contrary to a 1x1, unless said 1x1 tile is occupied by a bouce pad :)

some unfortunate interaction is my setting for GTTS makes most things related to your mod like the zipline and jumps very slow in the save game except trains, trains speed value are 5x higher and it makes them more plane like with take off ramp and landing zone, i pretend gravity is low like on the moon but i wish i could change the zipline for a faster one :)

My computer is old so i'm not throwing thousand of item at a time plus i'm a very serious person interested in the transportation yet i'm still having fun thank you :)

Edit; i found how to make zipline faster : in mod folder \script\players\on_tick.lua
line 192 195 199 replace 0.315 with 1.5 makes it 5x faster.
line 196 200 i replaced 0.008 with 0.3
line 204 207 i replaced 0.004 with 0.02

this my personnal preference so far when game.speed = 0.25

2 years ago

I've tried a few different approaches but I still haven't been able to figure out why the ghost is somehow able to be ziplined to, it might just be a bug in what Factorio counts as a "connection" between power poles. But I'm not really concerned about it since this is the only time I've ever seen this happen so if you're interested in using the bug for gain I don't think it's a big deal. It might have to do with the tick scaling mod but Im not really sure

2 years ago

Clearly the ghost thing is all good and fine for me it's not causing error it's even fun when speed is not 0.25

I have noticed some compatibility issues with the time scaling mod, when you try 12 UPS, it's probably too low, and game cannot start. one has to change settings or disable mods. but no error occur in game and 12 UPS is very very low i don't recommend trying anyway :)

Your answer prompted me to post this earlier save game :
Here i have a "bug" in connection between power pole. This happened in the same save game, before i had the zipline it didn't occur to me it could be related. I don't remember how it happened that suddenly all the connexion of the power pole disappeared on map view. This save game is when i managed to get 2 connexions to re-appear, which is when i realized it was not just a visual glitch on map view.

Then i did further testing, and i'm pretty sure now that i made a mistake in the naming of the post that may be error-inducing, it now seem to me that the ziplining magic is not related to the ghost I now think the character is ziplining on invisible wire connexion toward the factorissimo building.
This because there seem to be a a "bug in connection" for substation in the map only in the starting island, game says some of them have 5 connection, but only 4 are visible. And since then i have been able to reproduce in other parts of the base, but only near factory building. When placing 1 of them in the middle of square of 4 substation, one of the substation will have an invisible connexion created toward which the zipline can be used it seem.
Maybe this has to do with how the notnotmelon's factorissimo's fork transfer power through different surface works. and is more of a compatibility minor glitch/feature? the fork is quite new ( 28 days) and it does change the way power is transfered compared to the original factorissmo made before 1.1 introduced the linked item used in the fork.

" do not use zipline near factory building, it can cause the trolley to malfunction in a not-dangerous way " Oh you mean " this simple trick allow you to transform your zipline into an hoverboard " i'm fine with it :)

1 year, 3 months ago

I saw in the changelog that some power poles are now blacklisted for the zipline, and i remembered this report which i think is now "Fixed"
I choosed a bad title at the time because i didn't realized i was ziplining to a factorissimo hidden power pole and though i was ziplining toward a ghosth power pole.

1 year, 3 months ago

Wow deep cut, I forgot about this report. But yeah I guess they're related, hopefully the newest change prevents bugs like this one too

New response