I still have the save game, and i noticed playing further that using the zipline enable the personnal roboport, robot built the ghost once, i removed the substation, and made it a ghost again, and it was still letting me fly over water.
also i figured i could find a way to upload the save and made indication on it : https://ufile.io/f8tnq1k7 i can send it directly too if that is better
( i made a test map before the real one to test interaction, and i had at least 3 ideas for my game : 1) I can use zipline over water with floating pole to explore the seas 2) i can make a machine to throw my character over a canal both are very useful on island map 3) I can throw capsule fertilizer on the ground automatically )
Then i made a machine that lets you jump in the forest with pads hidden by trees, also i died a lot to establish that a 3x3 area in the water is a safe landing zone, contrary to a 1x1, unless said 1x1 tile is occupied by a bouce pad :)
some unfortunate interaction is my setting for GTTS https://mods.factorio.com/mod/GTTS makes most things related to your mod like the zipline and jumps very slow in the save game except trains, trains speed value are 5x higher and it makes them more plane like with take off ramp and landing zone, i pretend gravity is low like on the moon but i wish i could change the zipline for a faster one :)
My computer is old so i'm not throwing thousand of item at a time plus i'm a very serious person interested in the transportation yet i'm still having fun thank you :)
Edit; i found how to make zipline faster : in mod folder \script\players\on_tick.lua
line 192 195 199 replace 0.315 with 1.5 makes it 5x faster.
line 196 200 i replaced 0.008 with 0.3
line 204 207 i replaced 0.004 with 0.02
this my personnal preference so far when game.speed = 0.25