Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! Compatible for 2.0! Space Age specific features being added as I come up with them/get time to make them

a day ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

b Thrower started to misbehave targetting belt [Fixed✅]

2 years ago

You can see the behavior in this video, two thrower inserters started to overflow their target belts and fill the map with stone:

I have included two save files and the video also in this folder:

The save file is an autosave when the thrower inserters still work as intended, the save file is the autosave seen in the video where two thrower inserters went into renegade mode :)

When clearing all the stone, the inserters work again. I am using Renai 1.0.0

2 years ago

That's certainly a weird one, it should stop throwing when it is full. The weird part is that you say it works after you clear the belt so in theory there's nothing wrong with my code, just with the way I detect full belts. I'll have to download the save and take a look.

2 years ago

I was able to get it to work again. Turns out the way I had it the thrower could sometimes lock up if the belt became really full. You know how if you rotate a belt it can sometimes hold more than 8 items? I think something like that was throwing off the calculations but with what I came up with the save you sent works properly now.

2 years ago

Thank you very much!

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