Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

g Performance concerns - UPS drops [Fixed ✅]

3 years ago


I've decided to try out the mod on bigger factory and I was surprised to find that just by installing it without using any of its contents there was about 6 UPS drop every few seconds. What's it doing in the background that causes such big drops? Is there any hope of improving that in the future? That was in single player.

Thanks for the mod!

3 years ago

I'm not sure, thats a good question 😅. How big is your map? Could you send it to me somehow so I could take a look at what it might be?

3 years ago

I also run some different mods, it's a space exploration playthrough. It's a 145 MB save. I can zip it and upload to cloud and share you the link to download at email or some other means of communication if you want to look around (together with mods or mod list, whichever you prefer).

In the meantime here's a screen-shot of it happening: every few seconds there's around 1 sec drop of 6 UPS and high frame updates from this mod:

3 years ago

Yeah if you could send me a zip file of your save on Google drive or something I could try a few things. One thing I found while looking through the code is I check every 5 seconds for stray parts of the Zipline or train sprites and delete them. Maybe that search is causing the lag spikes, in theory the bigger the map the longer that search would take I think

3 years ago

That would probably be it. I've included the list of mods +- Renai transportation, but didn't include the mods themselves since they weighted about 1 GB.

Here's the save:

3 years ago

So taking out that check does in fact get rid of the periodic lag spike. I'll see if I can just make the part deletion better instead of using the check every 5 seconds and upload the change. Thanks for letting me know that happens, I've never built a base so big with so many surfaces

3 years ago

Neat, great! Thanks a lot for quick reply and action :D I'll delete the save from google drive.

New response