Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! Compatible for 2.0! Space Age specific features being added as I come up with them/get time to make them

8 hours ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

g Primer Bounce Pads [Fixed❓]

2 years ago

I have some questions..

  1. is it normal that for example grenades thrown at the primer bounce pads bounce away in random directions? I have tested both settings and with both the grenades usually fly in a different direction than where the grenade came from. It would be great if you could plan the direction accordingly.

  2. could you make it so that when you place a primer bounce pad you can't see the range by default? I have my entire wall equipped with it and now I have to click a few hundred primer bounce pads...

  3. would it be possible to add conveyor belts to the overflow prevention option? Because as it is right now I have to put open crates at all outputs and then empty them with normal insterters.

If I think of any other questions, I will of course add them.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

The primer pad should always throw in the direction it came from, and the overflow prevention should also work for belts, at least it does when I test it
It should even work through bounce pads

What version of the mod do you have? Do you have any other mods that change how inserters might function?

The bounce pad default range visibility is a good idea and should be pretty easy to make a setting for. I'll give it a shot some time soon

2 years ago

Um... yes...
I use Robot World Continued to increase the inserter speed.... I guess 10 times the speed is a bit too fast... at least for the overflow logic on belts^^

Otherwise here is a link to my save, so you can see what could go wrong with the primer bounce pads:

2 years ago

So I think the problem is that you have the thrower right next to the primer pad. How the code determines what direction to launch things is to check the line between where the grenade came from and where it landed. Since the thrower is so close and the arm swivels to do the throw, sometimes clockwise sometimes counter clockwise, it sometimes ends up throwing up or down. Here's a very crude drawing of what I mean

When I placed the thrower 2 tiles away from the primer pad it worked just fine.

The other issue with placing a thrower so close to its target comes in because the inserters move so fast. I check the throwers every 3 ticks to see if the arm is passed the half way point to start the throw, at which point I calculate when the projectile will land to trigger its effect. But because the thrower is moving so fast, it's already right on top of its destination when the check comes around, so it releases the item and calculates an instant travel time which is so fast that it doesn't have time to check for the landing before the landing happens, which is probably what's messing up the overflow preventions. I'll have to think more about this part.

2 years ago

That means I'll put the thrower 2 3 tiles away from the primer bounce pads for now.^^

2 years ago

Turns out the fix was pretty simple, I just made it so that if the throwers hand was already on top of its target, I just added 1 tick to its "throw time" and that seems to have fixed everything 😀

A new setting was added to toggle whether new bounce pads should show their visibility range when placed. It's all in the new version 0.9.8, let me know if it works for you too

2 years ago

Thanks already for the extra setting that is very handy. :)
Unfortunately, my inserters still seem to be too fast, because when I run the output of my furnaces directly to belts again, a lot is thrown on the floor again.

2 years ago

By the way, I have just extended my wall and have noticed that the range is displayed to me, despite the fact that I have disabled the setting for it... do I also have to create a new Blueprint so that this is no longer displayed?

2 years ago

ok... I just tried it and I can say that primer bounce pads placed using bleuprints always show the range.

2 years ago

That's strange, all of those things work for me even on the save file you sent me. Blueprinted primer pads won't have the range if the setting is off, and throwing from furnace to belt works just fine. Have you changed anything since I updated the mod?

2 years ago

I have changed nothing... At least nothing that I know of... I have just made the one check mark out of the setting. (by this I mean the new setting)

New response