Renai Transportation

Se~no to traditional belts and tiresome walking with these ridiculous ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Features: Thrower inserters, train ramps, player launchers, bounce pads, ziplines, and more

4 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Transportation Logistics Trains

b Adjusting the range of a thrower before placing results in weird behavior [Fixed βœ…]

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Check out this video:

Here, I pick up a thrower inserter, and you can see the power poles indicate where there's power, as usual. Then I try to adjust the range by pressing the adjust key, and the range changes to 1, but the power pole indicators vanish. When pressing the adjust key again, the inserter suddenly turns and no longer throws in a straight line.

Edit: Perhaps it might be important. I use a German keyboard and have changed the adjust key from F to <

Factorio 1.1.39, Renai 0.8.6

2 years ago

That's because the only way I've found to adjust the thrower ranger before placing it is with a blueprint. Script-wise when you press the adjust key while holding a thrower, it swaps the item you're holding with a blueprint containing just the thrower pointing up with range set to 1. Power pole indicators don't show when you're placing blueprints because that's just how Factorio was programmed. From there every time you press the adjust key it swaps the blueprint you're holding with another blueprint of the thrower with the range set 1 further.

I'm not sure why it's setting the throw to be at an angle though, I'll try this out myself to see. Are you using any other mods that use the same hotkey as the adjust key?

2 years ago

So somehow the thrower adjust function was broken for months and I didn't know lmao. It should be good now in 0.8.7

2 years ago

Now it works, thank you very much!

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