Hi there,
There’s currently a discussion on the subreddit regarding cargo ships and pedestrian bridges.
Could you make a bridge entity that goes on the dock but has some height (in the same way as power poles and other entities do) to give the impression that the bridge goes over the water? Hit F and the player gets transported over the flinger/bridge. It would only work for north-south (or s-n) bridges as it exploits the ambiguity between things that go vertically upwards and things that go horizontally to the north. Because the bridge entity is on the dock to the south, any ships passing would appear to go underneath. You would need to have a series of bridge entities to cross increasingly large canals with increasingly tall graphics. You could also use the “bridges”’for crossing rail or even belts/buildings - whatever is on the lane directly to the north of where the “bridge” is placed.
Does that all make sense?