Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! Compatible for 2.0! Space Age specific features being added as I come up with them/get time to make them

8 hours ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

g Hatch Not Placeable in Space Exploration [Fixed ✅]

3 years ago

As the title says, hatches all give the error that "X Building is in the way" when attempting to use a hatch. thinking it could've potentially been caused by krastorio or something, I attempted it again with just my SE playlist, but still couldn't place it. I also double-checked with my IR playlist, but I have no problems placing it there (I can even place it on things I didn't think were possible, like mining drills and steam engines lol. not sure how that would work since those don't have an inventory, though), so it seems it's SE that's causing the hatch to not work.

as an aside, thanks for making this meme of a mod, I love it. returned to the game recently after a long recess, discovered this, and fell in love instantly. I've always asked "why couldn't I just throw this item over the building" but never bothered to see if someone had a solution lol

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

A wise man once said, "Don't let you dank memes be dank dreams" and now here we are 😆. I'm glad you're having fun with it

Have you adjusted any settings on space exploration? I just tried it and the hatches seem to work fine for me. I'm using the latest versions of each mod

If you can do me a favor, while in game press CTRL+SHIFT+E. In the popup window click the search [🔎] button and type "hatch", then click entity->Hatch. In THAT popup window, search [🔎] "mask" and click the button next to collision_mask and let me know what it says. It should just say "train-layer": true, meaning the hatch can be placed on anything besides train stuff. If it says something different, then something is messing with it

If you're curious, you could throw modules into mining drills using the hatch if you wanted to but there isn't much reason to go through the effort just for that

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

oops sorry for the late response, was playing other things and forgot about the threads I had opened lol. I'll check. that said, I don't think I've messed with any space exploration settings. checking right now, will edit once I find out

EDIT: yep, just says train layer = true. also, I don't see any settings for space exploration that would interfere with this mod, and I definitely haven't changed any of them. just in case, I'll grab a list of what mods change between my IR set and my SE set

here's the list of differences between my IR and SE playsets:
the 2 krastorio mods and fluids must flow can be ignored, the only difference between my krastorio SE and normal SE set are those 3 mods. most of the rest are just the prerequisites for space exploration.

shortened list of those that aren't prerequisites in case they are the ones causing the problems: Afraid of the Dark, Burnt Extractor, Cargo Ships, Companion Drones, Equipment Grid Logistic Module (could've sworn some mod recommended that), and Hovercrafts.

optional prerequisites for space exploration included are: bullet trails, equipment gantry, and grappling gun

3 years ago

It seems like the Hovercraft mod is what's causing the problems. It is adding the "train-layer" collision layer to all buildings, probably so that the hovercrafts it adds will naturally collide with them. When I made the hatch originally, there weren't as many options for custom collision layers. Apparently they added more at some point so what I do is just change the hatch to one of these unused layers

3 years ago

ah, thanks. I can just remove that mod then, I don't really use those anyway, a friend recommended that mod and I never got around to actually building one lol.

currently playing other things atm, but with that I'm pretty sure it's resolved, so you can consider this as such. if I do have problems, I'll comment again though. thanks m8!

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