Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

g Crash when pasting train station settings or adding signals mid-air [Fixed ✅]

3 years ago

Me again! (Sorry if I'm starting to get on your nerves :D)

Not sure what exactly caused it, but the mod crashed when I pasted a blueprint over the destination station while a train was in the air. At least that's what I think happened. The blueprint didn't change the station name (I don't believe it should have changed any station settings), mainly it just added signals before and after the station. Screenshot:

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

No worries, I appreciate the feedback😁. I'd likely never find this out myself after all. It seems like this is related to the other crash with the destroyed station, usually it's a good sign when I can already think of a few causes where this might be coming from that the fix is simple

3 years ago

Ok, that's great because I already got another one :D
This one is really weird. Trains attach (which I consider to be my fault, I'm still in the process of blocking the right signals for the right time when someone makes a jump) and crash into each other, which leads to one train rapidly accelerating backwards and crashing the mod. I can offer a video ( or a horrible-resolution screenshot of the error message (

3 years ago

So it looks like if you blueprint a train station on top of an existing train station, it will immediately reset the station's train limit to whatever it is in the blueprint. In cases where this reset happens during a jump for a station where the limit was disabled, the crash would happen. Knowing that, I was able to fix up the processing so it wouldn't crash when I tried to recreate it. Your setup might be different though. A setup where you're apparently blueprinting train stations on top of each other lmao

I'm going to upload a version later today with the fix along with some better tracking for trains that break apart during a jump. One interaction I noticed in your video: while a train was jumping off a ramp, another train collided with the back end wagons after the first couple wagons already took off. The collision caused the wagons still on the ground to stop momentarily and the rest of the train continued the jump. That would be fine if the jump continued like normal, but as you saw, the separation caused both halves to drive around wildly afterwards until the game crashed. I'm going to try to fix up handling train separation too for the next version

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

New version is up 😀

Basically I tried to make it so that if a train jump was interrupted and the wagons separated, the two halves would stay still rather than drive automatically all around. Hopefully this fixes some issues from your other post too. Let me know how it goes

New response