Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

g Crash when killed by train during ziplining [Fixed ✅]

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hi, i don't know if this issue is already known, when i travel on power poles if a train hurts me the game crashes


Thanks :)

4 years ago

I was not aware of that, thank you for the report 🙂. I think any death would cause that now that I think about it. I think it should be an easy fix

4 years ago

You're welcome, last time i got a massive rollback due to this crash and im scared of using ziplines now lol, thanks for the quick reply ! btw great mod :)

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