Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

b Unknown entity name: RTPropCar [Fixed ✅]

4 years ago

The mod Renai Transportation (0.5.3) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event RenaiTransportation::EnterPipe (ID 168)
Unknown entity name: RTPropCar
stack traceback:
RenaiTransportation/control.lua:1786: in function <RenaiTransportation/control.lua:1626>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_entity'
RenaiTransportation/control.lua:1786: in function <RenaiTransportation/control.lua:1626>

4 years ago

This is probably because you disabled the train ramp and the way I had it that prop car, which helps guide the train jump animation, it removed it but it is also used for the zipline. Pretty simple, I just uploaded a change that should allow the zipline to work without the train ramp enabled. Thank you for the report 🙂

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