Renai Transportation

The most unhinged ways to transport items and yourself around your factory. Fling items around with Thrower Inserters, launch your trains off ramps, and soar through your base on electric ziplines! 2.0 and Space Age compatible

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Trains

b Inserters become very long boi’s when on low power [Fixed ✅]

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

The title is quite self explanatory

also add krastorio 2/SE compatibility you little shit ;)

4 years ago

And i just read the known issues......

4 years ago

welp great mod

4 years ago

welp great mod

4 years ago

welp great mod

4 years ago


4 years ago

btw is it not compatible with those mods? I just tried running the game with those 2 mods and this one and it started up and played without crash

4 years ago

oh i don't mean its incompatible i mean adding new throwers for the new inserters added by krastorio 2

4 years ago

Also just wanted to say that this is a fun and incredibly unique mod

when i first tried this mod i was conflicted because i felt like the inserters where too op but after using them a bit i found out that unlike regular inserters they continue to throw items even when the line is backed up i feel like this adds great balance to the mod making it better for smaller setups rather than just replacing all your belts with the throwers

some suggestions i would like to add is that i think it would be great to have the throwers as their own tech unlock to give them a bit of individuality from the inserters and also a unique sprite for them would be great (don't know how you'd be able to do that though)

overall great mod and hope more people end up trying it

4 years ago

Since your comment I've actually come up with a way to generate thrower variants of each inserter from every mod, it turns out sprites are modular too so I can basically just slap a yellow arm on top of an existing inserter and call it a day lmao. The trouble is coming up with some research flow that makes most sense like you mentioned.

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