Realistic Fusion Power

Adds a new way to produce energy through nuclear fusion. Fully compatible with K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b In Space Exploration, regular water is made from steam of "deuterium-depleted water"

2 years ago

Good afternoon! I understand that I, most likely, bothered you. But your mods are really interesting to me.

Therefore, I want to draw your attention to one collision that breaks your entire logic with "Deuterium-depleted water" (for simplicity, I call it "light water"):

The steam obtained from "light water", in the process of rfp-depleted-water-heating, when it enters the condensing turbine (Space Exploration) - instead of "light water" it produces ordinary water, that is, it spoils any realism.

To correct, you can create a separate type of steam - "Steam light water" and an additional recipe To condense "Steam light water" into "light water"

2 years ago

This is the recipe from Space Exploration:

type = "recipe",
name = data_util.mod_prefix .. "condenser-turbine-reclaim-water-"..low.."-"..high,
icon = "space-exploration-graphics/graphics/icons/fluid/water.png",
icon_size = 64,
order = "a",
subgroup = "spaceship-process",
energy_required = 0.1,
category = "condenser-turbine",
ingredients =
{type="fluid", name="steam", amount=100,
minimum_temperature = low - 1,
maximum_temperature = (i == (#steam_temperature_ranges - 1)) and (high + 1) or (high -1)},
results = {
{type="fluid", name="water", amount=99},
{type="fluid", name=data_util.mod_prefix .. "decompressing-steam", amount=75, temperature = low},
hidden = true,
enabled = true,
allow_as_intermediate = false,
always_show_made_in = true,
localised_name = {""}

The address: space-exploration_0.5.112\space-exploration\prototypes\phase-1\recipe\condenser-turbine.lua

2 years ago

It's either this or just removing the recipe for turning DDW to steam completely, because of Factorio's limitations.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Unfortunately, I didn't quite understand you. Maybe it's irony? or google translator?

For me personally, "deuterium-depleted water" is not of particular interest ... Since there are no unique recipes for it.

Therefore, I proposed to abolish it as meaningless ...

You just did not agree with my proposal, so I had to put up with the presence of "deuterium-depleted water"

And in this topic, I just pointed out a logical inconsistency that breaks the whole logic of "deuterium-depleted water."

1 recipe in your vaporizer: "deuterium depleted water" = "steam"
2 recipe in the "Space Exploration" capacitor: "steam" = Water

Pure magic....

Of course, it's up to you to decide whether to bother or not ..

2 years ago

Replace recipe:
lean water -> steam
on the:
depleted water -> nothing
with SE

New response