Realistic Fusion Weaponry

Energy production isn't the only use of nuclear fusion. Weapons of mass destruction are another use, for example. Fully compatible with True Nukes, K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Addon to Realistic Fusion Power. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

4 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Add a minimum range for firing ammunition corresponding to the radius of their destruction.

2 years ago

Good afternoon! Can you add a minimum range for your ammo? They are almost impossible to use. Because the minimum firing range of these ammunition is not adjusted. And in a dynamic battle, this leads to the inevitable self-destruction of the shooter from his own shots.

And then even shotgun cartridges made of antimatter cannot be used. Because everything happens quickly and you don’t have time to measure the distance to the biters. Especially if you use turrets and vehicles with automatic fire control.
Self-annihilation occurs instantly and is guaranteed.


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