Realistic Fusion Power

Adds a new way to produce energy through nuclear fusion. Fully compatible with K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Bug with Krastorio 2

2 years ago

Good afternoon! Found another bug - When starting with Krastorio 2, three types of fuel disappeared:

1.thermonuclear fuel
2.fusion fuel
3.antimatter fuel

Screenshot with example:

2 years ago

You can't craft the vanilla nuclear fuel with K2 installed, so there's no reason for RFP to add its own.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thank you very much for your answer.

In fact, I've already begun to think something like this...

But now you've made it very clear...

Although I use additional mods - tweaks, and I have nuclear fuel in stock ... But it doesn't matter anymore ... The main thing is that it works ....

I'll deal with tweaks separately

New response