Realistic Fusion Power

Adds a new way to produce energy through nuclear fusion. Fully compatible with K2, Angel's/Bob's, SE and IR2. Unmaintained since 2024-10-25.

4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Duplicate recipes

2 years ago

Good afternoon! When testing your mod, after opening all the studies through the console, I found one unpleasant moment.

Your mod, why duplicates part of the recipes. which greatly clutters up the recipe menu.

Screenshot with an example

This problem is further exacerbated with Krastorio 2 mods and Space Exploration.


2 years ago

That's a feature to make deuterium-depleted water usable in place of normal water, there's no other way to do it in factorio.
You can disable it with the "enable deuterium-depleted water to be used in place of normal water" mod setting.

2 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply!

True, I still don’t see the point in creating duplicates.
Why save both recipes at the same time?
It's better to just replace old recipes with new ones.

And leave the choice between old and new recipes in the settings.

2 years ago

Because otherwise you could use only water or only depleted water for those recipes, not either. They aren't interchangeable.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I correctly understood - that "water with depleted deuterium" (waste water) is a waste of "deuterium water"? And the duplication of recipes is done to dispose of waste deuterium water?

But after all, in ordinary water there is also a small amount of deuterium.

And, if "ordinary water" and "water with depleted deuterium" in the game are identical in properties - maybe it makes sense to act according to Ockham and cut off the excess?

For example, abandon "water with depleted deuterium" and replace it everywhere with "ordinary water" .....

Because, it turns out that "water with depleted deuterium" and "ordinary water" are the same thing :)

2 years ago

As a suggestion - instead of not the most successful setting "enable deuterium-depleted water to be used in place of normal water", make another setting "enable deuterium-depleted water replace with ordinary water"

This will give you a real choice between "complicated" recipes with deuterium-depleted water and "simplified" recipes with regular water.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

It isn't "water with depleted deuterium", not sure where you're getting that from... it's "deuterium-depleted water", meaning "water which has no deuterium in it". It's what you get when you extract deuterium from water.
Also, there is no such thing as "depleted deuterium"; you're thinking of uranium, which is something completely different.

And, if "ordinary water" and "water with depleted deuterium" in the game are identical in properties - maybe it makes sense to act according to Ockham and cut off the excess?

They aren't identical. They're two separate fluids, one of which (vanilla water) can be used for deuterium production and the other (deuterium-depleted water) cannot and is the result of that process.

2 years ago

Thanks! Now I understand what kind of "deuterium-depleted water" we are talking about - This is "light water" based solely on the light isotope of hydrogen - "Protium".

By the word "deuterium-depleted water" - I meant water with a low content of deuterium, respectively - ordinary water

"water with depleted deuterium" is purely a Google translation issue

In this regard, the question arises - why do we need "light water" in the game?

Moreover, I have not found a recipe for creating "light water". As I have not found any significant recipe for its use.

The only recipe I found in the "advanced electric boiler" building is where it is made into steam. But steam is made in many vanilla and non-vanilla buildings from plain water!!! And is converted in all cases back to ordinary water

Accordingly, either all technologies and recipes associated with vaporization need to be changed, or "light water" should be abandoned, in principle.

And take it as a game convention, of which there are many in this game.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

In this regard, the question arises - why do we need "light water" in the game?

Because otherwise extracting deuterium would just give back regular water which you could extract more deuterium from, which would mean infinite deuterium. It's supposed to be waste that you pump back into wherever you got the water from.

By the way sorry for not responding for so long, read the announcement I just posted.

2 years ago

Thank you for your reply and for your work on the mod...

I understand the reason why you want to leave "deuterium depleted water" Although I don't see a big problem in this ...

In any case, I turn off duplicate recipes and drain the water back into the lake, from where I pump water ...

That is, in principle, there is not much difference either way, endless deuterium ...

But this is your mod, and it was just a suggestion.

In connection with your logic - in the topic - I indicated a problem with steam, which breaks your logic ...

And please pay attention to the topics: - there seems to be some kind of repeating cycle going on here. - I tested your weapons - they are almost impossible to use, especially when using AI - shoots at close targets and self-destructs. Apart from cases where the range of the weapon coincides with the radius of destruction ...

Plus, a personal weapon in a dynamic battle, you just don’t have time to maintain a distance ...

New response