RPG System

This mod adds a basic RPG system to the game (XP, level-up and skills)

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Changed some numbers, and now leveling up breaks

3 years ago

See image for error message:

All I did was change some of the XP variables to try and make leveling up progress faster, and now any time I gain xp after the first time, it breaks.

3 years ago

I think I maybe know what happened. The multipliers etc at the bottom aren't very clear what they do/how they affect over-all exp gain... I had exp multiplier set to 100, and maybe, just maybe, the sheer amount of exp is going over the maximum and back into the negatives, and that breaks it?

I dunno just guessing.

3 years ago

To help fix any issues, is there a way to reset the mod settings to default, so I can change things one at a time to see what they do?

I've noticed that completely removing the mod and reinstalling it does not change the settings back to default, it still keeps the settings I had entered in the main menu.

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