RPG System

This mod adds a basic RPG system to the game (XP, level-up and skills)

3 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Combat Armor

g [SOLVED] Leveling

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

i was wondering if you could go past level 100? i like that you can change the system and all but i was thinking of making levelling go faster but add a 0 to the max levels so i can make levelling seems quicker but give the same out come as having 100 levels i just like to be able to tweak the max or if you could patch it to have a higher limit i would be very grateful

4 years ago

But what is it that you want at level 200 for eg? A most powerfull player with much more health or damage ?? You know you can do that on mod settings right ?

4 years ago

yeah but i have a mod that allows the enemies evolution to keep scaling as the game go's past tier 5 so i want more levels or a higher level up because then i can scale with them with out having to out source other mods and using a tech tree to boost stats higher if you could add a higher limit i would be grateful to you because that means a lot to my late game progression

4 years ago

sure i could just change the numbers and be over tuned but i'm not about that life

4 years ago

ill give you an example if the max was 1000 instead of 100 i could half the stat gain pool from levelling but half the xp needed to level up making it's easier to level making it not seem so hard at first but get harder to level up as the game gos on while not being over tuned then when tier 6 ,7 and 8 come around i can go past level 200 and scale a little better with the enemies making my overall experience with your mod a lot better

4 years ago

(idea) also if possible i would like to see a re-spec button so you can cash in your points and re-spend them i don't know if this is possible but if it is that would be really cool and with that i would add a level buffer before being able to re-spec skill points

4 years ago

ether way the mod is fantastic just give you some future plans maybe if you like them

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