RPG System

This mod adds a basic RPG system to the game (XP, level-up and skills)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Combat Armor

g Crash when staring new game with creative mode fix mod

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Hello, when I start a new game with the creative mode fix mod installed, and click the 'yes with cheats' button that appears at the start of a new game, I get a crash with the following text:

Error while running event creative-mode-fix::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Error while running event RPGsystem::on_research_finished (ID 18)
RPGsystem/control.lua:812: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
creative-mode-fix/scripts/cheats.lua:1066: in function 'apply_to_target_function'
creative-mode-fix/scripts/cheats.lua:2312: in function 'apply_cheat_to_targets'
creative-mode-fix/scripts/cheats.lua:2418: in function 'enable_or_disable_all_cheats_to_targets'
creative-mode-fix/scripts/cheats.lua:2526: in function 'enable_or_disable_creative_mode'
creative-mode-fix/scripts/gui.lua:197: in function 'on_gui_click'
creative-mode-fix/scripts/events.lua:495: in function '?'
creative-mode-fix/scripts/events.lua:1113: in function <creative-mode-fix/scripts/events.lua:1048>

It looks like, even tho the creative mode mod triggered it, the errors seem to come from this mod? I dont know modding so I cant really say, but I wanted to post so that someone sees it. As a workaround I just disabled the RPG System mod and created the world, saved, re-enabled RPG and loaded and it seems to be working (not that I really need the RPG mod in my test world with cheats, but I don't like having to constantly enable and disable mods when switching saves.)

6 years ago

I think it is now fixed. Please update

New response