RPG System

This mod adds a basic RPG system to the game (XP, level-up and skills)

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b System forget inventory size if he modified before or after

6 years ago

System forget inventory size if he modified before or after. For example: I have armor who give +40 inventory space, when i unequip him and equip again, inventory cells from RPG system are disappear. And same happens with all features who give inventory space.

6 years ago

Dante, plese tell me what armor (mod?) have this problem. I have tested with modular and power armors from vanilla and no inventory slot where lost.
If other mods uses character_inventory_slots_bonus then they may be incompatible at the moment

6 years ago

I use armors from Bob's warfare(if i right remember) and adapted Armor Pockets

5 years ago

So, I'm having the same problem. But, I don't think it was the different armors causing the problem. Would the Mod Armor Pockets mess with it possibly? I only mention it because that was one of the few mods I added right before it happened to me as well. Once when I died and went back to pickup my armor off my body and the inventory slots no longer where there and another time when I tried to upgrade to another type of armor (Nuclear Fission Armor).

Great Mod! Look forward to your thoughts regarding the above. Thanks

5 years ago

I also dont think it is caused by an armor. Any mod that chages character_inventory_slots_bonus (not armor) may be incompatible if the author does something like this in his mod? character_inventory_slots_bonus=10, instead of
character_inventory_slots_bonus = character_inventory_slots_bonus + 10

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Same problem. After putting on or removing any armor (without inventory bonus size) and bonus inventory cells just dissapeared. And the further addition of points began as from the start.
Could it be one of the Bob's mod option?
(bottom row it's inventory size)

4 years ago

I run in this problem after changing the equipement in the grid of a moded spidertron. I will test tomorow if it also happen with a vanilla spidertron.

4 years ago

I run in this problem after changing the equipement in the grid of a moded spidertron. I will test tomorow if it also happen with a vanilla spidertron.
Also affect the vanilla spidertron. As soon as you put something in the grid, you inventory size is reset.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I really dont know what you guys are talking about.
Anyway, I have tested inserting equipment on the grid of a power armor and on the spidertron. It has not reset my inventoy bonus. Must be other mod doing something

4 years ago

I try on a new game out of creative. Used command to unlock tech and editor to have the spider tron an a few equipement. I put them then send the spidertron clean some nest in order to gain level. After a few upgrade, I call it back. As soon as I remove one of the equipement in the grid, my inventory side was reset. I have no idea which mod can conflict in this case.

4 years ago

For testing, you can use this command /c remote.call("RPG","TeamXP","player",4000)
this will give you 4k xp to level up. Spend some points on inventory bonus.
Then use this command to print your bonus before and after the events you are testing:
/c game.print(game.player.character.character_inventory_slots_bonus)

4 years ago

I have the same problems, whenever I unequip armor I lose all the inventory slots and trash slots I gained from this mod, and the armor doesn't even add any

3 years ago

it's been 2 months since my previous comment and the mod has updated since to 1.1 of the game, and this problem still exists

3 years ago

I had the same problem, but turns out it was caused by Exoskeleton Mark II in my case.
I'd recommend temporarily uninstalling any mods that change inventory size to figure out what the culprit is (if you're not sure, search your mod folder with winrar for character_inventory_slots_bonus. Any mods that show up in the results could be the cause)

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