Quantum Resource Distribution deprecated

by eliont

Logistic buffer chest will send placed items to ship quantum storage unit if no logistic request set. If logistic request exist and can be fulfilled using stored items, items instead taken from storage and placed in chest inventory. It's make resourse management more like RTS for playing combat-oriented settings/mods. Compatible with multi-surface mods like SE. UPS-friendly.

1 year, 2 months ago
Logistics Logistic network Circuit network Storage
1 year, 6 months ago
Latest Version:
1.5.0 (1 year, 2 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
186 users

Compatible with multi-surface mods (like Space Exploration, Factorissimo), item transportation works on one surface, but not between them.

Should be UPS-friendly because using events to track entities, not find_entities_filtered.

Not working with fluids, but works with barrels.

Glory to the buffer chests!

Update 1:

  • Fixed crash when mod added to existing game.
  • Constant combinator "Quantum Storage Interface" that outputs combinator surface storage content as signals.

Update 2:

  • Fixed crash when robot remove chest.
  • New runtime preference - if checked same chest can push items to storage and then fetch requested.
    If not - like before, items can be sent to storage only if request slots all empty.

Update 3:
Some modpacks can have just too much different items.

  • Click storage item button to send it to compact table frame.
    • Frame is draggable by square striped drag-handler, that appear in top-left corner if there are things to display.
    • Click small icon to return it to top bar.
  • Shift-click item button to set this item to be restricted - no more such items will be added to storage until small item icon in compact table frame clicked.

Update 4:

  • Better handling overproduced items - now it will not try to put into quantum storage entire chest content in a bulk, but put what can be put.
  • Fixed issue with invalid item id in quantum storage, for example after deleting mod.
  • Added second number cell under item icon, indicates sum of all logistic requests for this item in all registered entities on that surface.

  • If sum of all logistic requests for one item type on that surface will become higher then avaiable items supply in storage, then not a single one of this particular items will be given out from storage for this time.

    • This ensures what in case of resource shortage every registered requester got it's fair share.
  • Added clone of green logistic buffer chest placed into circuit-network subgroup.

    • This is just to make it unlocked from the very start, but not mess with other mods if they do something with logistic entities and/or technologies. Costs a few iron plates.

Update 5:

  • Removed feature that causes severe perfomance drop on medium-big bases and re-implemented it in a better way.
  • Probably final update, further plans require remade from scratch.