Power Armor MK3+

Bigger, better power armors; with a bigger grid (14x14)/(20x20) and larger inventory bonus (+50)/(+60), also adds various equipment and alternatives to light and heavy armor with inventory bonus (+10)/(+20).

4 days ago
0.14 - 2.0
Combat Armor

i Mod spotlight

3 days ago


I am currently working on a spotlight for your mod and noticed your content page is a bit out of date. You still list fusion batteries and fusion reactor as equipment.
Is there anything you'd like me to bring attention to in regards to a spotlight? :)

3 days ago
(updated 3 days ago)

Well hi there, thanks for the consideration, I'll cover a few things that may not be obvious at first glance.

-The mod is balanced for both Vanilla Factorio and Space Age, with different recipes, research costs/requirements, and production requirements.
- The Fusion battery has been reworked to be a copy of the MK3 battery in Vanilla, and is disabled and hidden automatically if SA is enabled.
-The nuclear/fission reactor has been made redundant and subsequently removed, so no longer relevant.
-The mod itself was obviously initially intended to be about the MK3 armor, but due to requests has expanded to include grid equipment, the MK4 armor, and even custom grid sizes for the MK4 armor and the spidertron.
-There are two early 'utility' armors for increased inventory at the cost of defense.
-Most items in the mod can be disabled in the 'startup' mod settings; if a pre-requisite item is disabled, the research requirements and crafting ingredients of subsequent items are modified to take that into account.
-The MK4 armor and the Shielded Singularity are considered end game items, very expensive to get, but completely overpowered.
-On the note of MK4 armor, I'm working on another setting to make it a 'Mech Armor MK2' of sorts, which basically just means it can fly and looks like the mech armor.
-There are no custom animations for the armors as of yet, but I'm hoping to have them done somewhere down the line.

That's all off the top of my head, please feel free to ask any questions you may have, I'll be happy to answer.

Edit: Another quick note to add, please give Snouz (https://mods.factorio.com/user/snouz) a shoutout for the awesome art and other contributions they've provided, if you don't mind.

Also also, if anyone wants to contribute their language to the mod, they can do so by submitting a pull request on the mods Github page (https://github.com/emperorjimmy/Power-Armor-MK3).

3 days ago
(updated 3 days ago)

Ah, of course, I hadn't considered playing without space age enabled..!
I'll give a mention to the research costs and the intention behind it to be balanced.
Is it pronounced "MK" or "Mark" when talking about "Power armor MK3"? I assumed it was MK since you capitalized both letters, but I could be mistaken.
I noticed the early game armors, love the idea behind them!
I will add the intention to add the Mech Armor MK2 and the lack of custom animation of the armors.

I'll add a shoutout for Snouz (any information on pronounciation?) :)

And thanks for the quick response!

3 days ago

It's generally pronounced 'mark', but it's all good regardless, thanks again for reaching out!

3 days ago
(updated 3 days ago)

Thank you for the mod!

If you have any thoughts or ideas, this video is currently unlisted so you can preview it, please let me know! I plan on having the video out by the 14th this month.

3 days ago

It's also private so I can't view it at the moment.

3 days ago

Sorry, I forgot to hit "save". It's fixed now

3 days ago
(updated 3 days ago)

Sweet, thanks, yeah looks pretty good to me, if you want to add any more detail then see the points above, but don't feel like you have to, the video covers everything it needs to.

Also I'm in the process of updating the mod page with new screenshots and such, just let me know when the video goes live and I'll link it in the description, thanks again for the spotlight! It's always nice to have a video with up-to-date information.

3 days ago

You are very welcome!
I intentionally left out massive amounts of information dump, as I personally feel that it subtracts from the video.

It's scheduled to come out on the 16th. (I'm currently recording and uploading a ton of videoes so I can keep a steady schedule at the start, but I don't want to spam videoes all in one day) Again, you are so welcome, my pleasure! I figured as much, soon it'll be me trying to update videoes as mods gets updated

3 days ago

Good stuff, you might want to delete the video link if you want to save it for the 16th though, lol.

New response