MMZ Accelerated Mod

Accelerates (3x) multi aspects of the game to reach end game sooner and have fun. ** [WIP] ** . 3x speed, energy and pollution increase for production buildings, miners, logistics, robotics, labs. . 3x Electricity production and pollution increased . Loaders Enabled, Hand smelting and crafting enabled for all items. . Quality of Life enhancements : Zero collision box, 3x run speed, Higher reach. . Customized Free-play scenario available with commands for more accelerated play.

25 days ago
Logistics Mining Manufacturing Power Cheats

g more details needed

a month ago

some details about what this mod accelerates or doees will help alot. thanks

a month ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Will update the description.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I took a look at the code to summarize for those curious - it looks like all the production buildings plus labs and miners have speed x3. Loaders enabled, Inserters + trains + bots + belts(?) sped up as well. It looks like energy production from steam engines and solar was also increased. Gun + Laser turrets were also changed, and most everything mentioned here had its energy changed as well (assumedly increased by 3 to match the speed). Also, player can smelt ores by hand

To MasterManiaZ -- the description was updated in info.json but here on the website we still have the older one which you'll need to update as well - "Accelerates (3x) multi aspects of the game to reach end game sooner and have fun".

a month ago

Thanks for the summary.. it is pretty accurate. I will update the description.

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