Just so everyone knows, some of us in the community are getting together to make a new LTN GUI mod to replace this one. It's called LTN Manager. It will be licensed under MIT and so won't suffer from the same fate as this mod has.
Thanks. Is there any chance you could reimplement LTN as well, so it won't suffer from the same fate as this mod?
Please do not download ptx0's rips, they go against the mod license
Please ask eduran to enforce that license (if he thinks that mod violates it, which I'm not entirely sure about). Only he can claim that, not you, and not Optera. May I remind you, that a license didn't make that mod, a person did.
I really don't see any problem here. ptx0 is not claiming authorship, he is not selling it, he is not advertising it as its own work, and he is not providing any fixes beyond those needed for 0.18 compatibility. There are no actions made in bad faith. Just 0.18 port available from mod portal, before there wasn't, now there is.