Orbital Ion Cannon (Space Age Edition)

When you need to call down the thunder to deal with those pesky biters, launch a rocket with an ion cannon into orbit and show the bugs who's boss. NEW +3 technologies: Area Fire and Ion Cannon Mk2

8 days ago
1.0 - 2.0
Combat Cheats

b [FIXED in 3.8.3] [2.0 Vanilla] Cannot Launch

15 days ago

When I try dropping an Ion Cannon into the Rocket Silo cargo slot while rocket is still building (no launcher ready), a text pops up:
"There is no point sending Ion Cannon to orbit"

15 days ago

can you send anything other? like a fish?

9 days ago
(updated 9 days ago)

Sorry just noticed your reply. I can send a satellite, I'll try sending a fish.

Update: I have no problems dropping a fish in the cargo slot of the rocket.

9 days ago

Unfortunately I have not found anything in the API on how to remove the filter
may by you can do also a bit research on forum, google etc.. pls

9 days ago


Just an update: I can put fish into the rocket's cargo slot, but the rocket can't launch. At least, not automatically (did not try to press the launch button).

9 days ago
(updated 9 days ago)


Send the fish, it's an achievement ;-) if you don't have it yet

8 days ago

Yay, it works now! Thanks!!

Also got the achievement, thanks for that as well 😄

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