When you need to call down the thunder to deal with those pesky biters, launch a rocket with an ion cannon into orbit and show the bugs who's boss.
NEW +3 technologies: Area Fire and Ion Cannon Mk2
- Factorio 2.0.19.
on sandbox/edior map
- i have unlock the tech
- put a ion canon on a rocket and send this one on space platform
- i can use the button for target
- but the number of ion canon still become at 0 , what ihave miss please ?
I would say to read the FAQ ;-) or in technical jargon RTFM
short answer
build a radar on space platform
How this works in Spage Age
the ion cannon now has a weight of 1000kg. Deliver it to the space platform
and if at least 1 of them is in the hub inventory, build a radar to install it on the current planet.
by the way, the home page also states this
ready to install from a space platform
deliver a ion cannon to the hub and build a radar to install them for the current planet
thats all. as soon as the radar has been built, the ion cannon will be installed and ist chariging
as soon it is charged then ion cannon targeter can be used
if you were playing in ‘freeplay’ you would have noticed that there is neither an ion cannon nor a radar in the hub
I dont suggest to play permanently in "sandbox" mode use "Editor Extension" to toggle betwen "freeplay" and "sandbox"
Technically the freeplay mdoe no longer exists, I have a standard map on which I've activated editor mode to design my bp and test mods.
Unless I'm mistaken, I have two search platforms, 1 ‘basic’ and 2 ‘quality’.
i sent ioncanon on 1, (3) and send one on nauvis, i also place a radar on each and link the radar to the hub with a green cable
i have no idea why i can't test the ion cannon
any command console for "add" ion canon on counter ?
there is still ‘freeplay’, ‘sandbox’, ‘scenario’, but that's not the point
the point is, that you need a ion -cannon and a radar in the hub, as I have already written several times.
and if the radar is build, then the ion cannon ist installed.
but in your hub is neither an ion cannon nor a radar. I have put both in,
let the plattform build the radar. and the ion cannon was installed without problems
could you add this instruction on description for the next dumb come here ?
- have a rocket silo with a loaded ion cannon.
- send ion canon with rocket at your space platform
- you must have a radar in the platform inventory (hub)
- place the radar (does not work in mod editor, must be placed in map view)
- the ion cannon is in orbit.
- for each new cannon, you need to deploy a new one
if you would play normally, and use the remote view, or be on the platform with the character itself you would have seen that the ion cannon is not in the hub.
those who cheat punish themselves ;-)
Once again, I suggest playing normally and only switching to edit mode when necessary.
the mods are mostly written, to be used in "freeplay" or "scenario". the edit mode does not trigger all events and usually behaves differently.
behavior changed in 3.6.0:
- build an Ion Cannon Starter Pack on space platform
this is the same item as before only the name is adjusted and entity is made made buildable.
an extra radar is no longer required