Orbital Ion Cannon (Space Age Edition)

When you need to call down the thunder to deal with those pesky biters, launch a rocket with an ion cannon into orbit and show the bugs who's boss. NEW +3 technologies: Area Fire and Ion Cannon Mk2

8 days ago
1.0 - 2.0
Combat Cheats

b [FIXED in 3.5.5] attempt to get length of local 'c'

a month ago

The mod Orbital Ion Cannon (Space Edition) (3.5.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event Kux-OrbitalIonCannon::on_configuration_changed _ Kux-OrbitallonCannon__/control.lua:70: attempt to get length of local 'c' (a
userdata value)
stack traceback:
< Kux-OrbitallonCannon
/control.lua:70: in function

a month ago

strange c should not be userdata, its a table from storage
{ 0, 1, "nauvis", }

can you provide the savegame?, so i can debug this

30 days ago

Did the daily mod updates and OIC now works as expected, no crash on load. False alarm!

30 days ago

there are certainly other bugs you can find ;-)

30 days ago

there are certainly other bugs you can find ;-)

25 days ago
(updated 25 days ago)

hello, i seem to be having the same error, it began after i saved my game on gleba to go get a high contrast mod (probably unrelated, error still happens without it), also, my autosaves are having the same issue, here is my save game, though it has quite a few mods, and isn't setup well in regards to performance

factorio version: 2.0.21

also, i uncommented the print statements you had near where the error was, and here is their output (i currently only have cannons in orbit of nauvis and vulcanus)
Update cannon force ''player'' {{0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "vulcanus"}, {0, 1, "vulcanus"}, {0, 1, "vulcanus"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}, {0, 1, "nauvis"}}
Update cannon force ''Queue'' {"[LuaEntity: gleba-spawner-small at [gps=-206.6,267.1,gleba]]"}

25 days ago
(updated 25 days ago)

added a check for if fn was Queue on line 67 and it let me load into the game(no idea if queue is important for anything though):

        for fn,f in pairs(storage.forces_ion_cannon_table) do
            print("Update cannon force ''"..fn.."'' "..serpent.line(f))
            if not string.find(fn,"Queue") then
                for i,c in ipairs(f) do
                    --if not c[3] then --TODO bad argument #2 of 3 to 'index' (string expected, got number) ???
                    --  c[3] = "nauvis" end
                    if #c==2 then
                        --"Update cannon #"..tostring(i).." surface to 'nauvis'")
                        table.insert(c, "nauvis")
25 days ago

I came up with the same fix when debugging
the error has been there since the beginning ;-)
“Queue” is not data for a force and does not need to be migrated

25 days ago

thanks for investigating

New response