Orbital Ion Cannon (Space Age Edition)

When you need to call down the thunder to deal with those pesky biters, launch a rocket with an ion cannon into orbit and show the bugs who's boss. NEW supports Kux-Radars NEW +3 technologies: Area Fire and Ion Cannon Mk2

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0
Combat Cheats

g [FIXED]Targeting from Satellite view?

3 years ago

Hello, the mod is really amazing and nostalgic for an old CnC fan like me. But if I may ask, the current version is not very convenient to use in my K2+SE playthrough. Every time I want to use the ion cannon onto targets afar, I have to switch to satellite view and in this mode to clear fogs of war (maybe this term also works here in Factorio?) to gain line of sight, and switch back to the main character and place the target beacon holding shift and left-click on the intended target. The whole process is also time constraint since the line of sight will lose over time and I have to be quick to move my MC view to the spot.

Is it possible to just place the target beacon in satellite view? I can also enjoy the glorious ion cannon impact if it is possible. Thx.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Sorry no, it is not possible without changing the code part for targeting totally.

3 years ago

It's sad to hear =(
Actually, this restriction makes this mod quite useless. It's a thing to play with, but not something that really makes practical sense.

Meaning, why I'll ever bother with revealing map over enemies nests (in any way), if I can just build artillery (with insane end-game range, especially) and forget about them forever?
Luckily, artillery does reveal map. But if I'm already shooting artillery, why do I need to shoot orbital cannon at the same spot?)

So, well... the coolest thing about this mod is voice lines. So enjoyable. But not a single practical reason to use it, unfortunately.

3 years ago

Not everything you would like to have is technically feasible. ;-) The Factorio API is very limited.
Autotargeting uses radar, so you don't need to manually shoot the enemies.
Sorry for the late response. Due to time constraints, I am not currently developing/maintenance Factorio mods.

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