When you need to call down the thunder to deal with those pesky biters, launch a rocket with an ion cannon into orbit and show the bugs who's boss.
NEW +3 technologies: Area Fire and Ion Cannon Mk2
Admin sets permissions for shots to users (from in-game menu, checkbocks have check for user).
Admin start server from console (in series: /save; /quit; factorio --start-server)
Admin open in-game menu with permissions and no one user have permission (if connect as user which should have been permission, than permission not exists)
I have not noticed this before and neither has anyone else. The permissions are stored in the saved game and should restored on load the game.
there is no other way. I had a server for testing for the last 4 months, but because there was no more interest, there is no more.
So at moment I can not reproduce or fix this.