Inlaid Lamps Extended

by Pi-C

This mod adds a lamp that you can embed into the floor.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Transportation Circuit network Cheats


Q: What does ___ option mean? What can I set it to?
A: Check option tooltips. Possible ranges and default values are given.

Q: I would like to have even bigger ranges.
A: Range of 400 would mean you would have to move 1.5 screens away from lamp to see your own headlight but game does not render lights when you are far away from them.
That would cause weird 'light stalling' and changes from 'light as day' to 'middle of the night' with one step of your character. That's why I decided to limit options somehow. Feel free to tweek mod files to your liking, though.

Q: I have to reload game every time I change some settings. Could you change this, so...
A: No. I've tried to allow that but game limitations make this task very unpleasant. I'm not even sure if such thing is possible without overloading CPU. :)

Q: The lamp sometimes renders in front of vehicle/player. Is this a bug?
A: Yes. But as far as I understand it, this is how game works with collision boxes. I don't know (yet) how to fix it.

Q: How is energy usage calculated?
A: energy_usage = math.ceil(math.max(5light_intensitylight_size/36,5light_colored_intensitylight_colored_size/36)) kW which gives 5kW at default settings and scales lineary to 14kW at maximum size/intensity. Keep in mind that colored light is not accounted for energy usage.