like the title says, i am playing with a mod making day time last 24h and 10 minimum hunger speed is still too fast! now i am on 0.16 right now to be fair and point out that this may differ in 0.17.
knowing that humans can go 1 to 2 months without food and about 4 to 5 days without water, dying because you did not eat in 10 minutes or some thing is kind of funny when you think about it! since i am playing offline on my own i took the liberty to make my own custom range for you mod starting with hunger!
knowing from an other discussion post, you said normal default hunger is about 1 per 200 ticks or 0.3 per second. now i am debating my self with 3 options, 1 make it last 1 month without food... but since there is no water then that makes no sense and would make eating obsolete! 2, 4 days like in real life with water but when your game play in the map does not last that, it still would make it obsolete, next would be 24h or 12h since most maps last at least 10h...
the only remaining problem is you need tons of seeds and when playing with the Mod Custom Terrain Generator, you only have an Island so if only 2 lettuce appeared on the whole island... you ARE condemned to die! i opt for a 1 seed 1 potted plant early growth. i did some googling on some plants and found those stats about seeds and from the farmer next door that usually about 70% of a planting survived and/or succeeds.
2 potato = 4 potato seed (cutting potato in half for growing) gives 3.5 plants, 1 plant = 8 potato
1 tomato = 30 seeds = 22.5 plants 1 plant = 5 tomato
1 cucumber = 400 seeds = 300 plants (one slice of 0.5 CM has about 10 to 20 seeds and the whole cucumber is 20 CM)
1 corn cob = 800 seeds = 600 plants
1 soy plant = 55 seeds = 41.25 (that was harder to find... 2.5 seeds per pods)
1 Letuce Plant = 1200 seeds = 900 (the lettuce we eat is immature lettuce, when it matures, it grows a flower like carrots that has seeds on top... tho i think there are a few lettuce... like cucumbers.)
hope there were a few insights in there that helps!
also this mod and the RPG system mod does not play well with each other... i wish both would have a different and shared system... like get default character stats, level bonus multiplier plus armor bonus multiplier plus consumed items multiplier... all would work on a temporary value in that order...
like: temp = (default) * (Xmult+Ymult+Zmult) then actual value = temp
and RPG mod would be Xmult, (the closest to permanent stats)
Ymult would be some random armor mod, (effects only stops when not wearing hence the 2nd mostly on stats)
Zmult would be your mod's capsules or some other consumables. (the most volatiles of stats that constantly change.)
tho all this takes a collaboration and planning, the way i would do a quick fix is to make a temp values for all stats capsules are about to mod when using them, apply the multiplier and at the end of the effect, restore the temp value. (restoring any level boosts... at least...) so no need to constantly spam default values when not eating capsules.