Food Industry (2.0 beta)

by Oceanel

[Warning (!): Mod is still under development, and is not intended for a long game] This mod adds hunger and ways to produce foods and drinks. From grown foods can be obtained effect capsules.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
Fluids Manufacturing

b [Not a bug] Basic farms ate compost in seconds

5 years ago

Hi there,

First of all thanks for the fun mod. It adds another layer of terror to the game.

I did have one issue with two Basic Farms which used up compost in seconds. I am not sure if this is by design or a bug.

When I changed the fuel from compost to Landfill burn time was normal again.


5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks! I work to make it even better and more interesting.

As for compost ... It's not balanced yet.
Initially, the author of this mod thought that the basic farmland will consume the fuel that it contains when building. After that, the farmland needs to be disassembled and created a new one. This is how to loosen the soil in the garden.

Then here Kenira suggested to add a new type of "fuel" (for example soil). Result: added landfill as fuel.

Then I added later compost as "fuel" But due to the fact that the recipe for making "landfill = 200 compost", and 1 landfill have fuel_value = "500kJ", so compost fuel_value = "2500J", that for the farm when growing is utter trifle.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I have an ideas:
- to make for compost fuel_value = "6000J", to not so quickly spent on growing.
- remake the results of crop growing receipts, when at basic growing we get more "Plant mesh" and "Straw" and less spent food plants, than when advanced growing with water, compost water or fertilized water - more products and less mesh and straw.
- add new type of plant - grass, for production more "Plant mesh" and "Straw" on early game. The details

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I think these are great ideas. It does not appear possible to achieve sustainable farming in the early game presently.

Though, an alternative to adding grass would be to adjust the fuel requirements. You could have some less desirable plants net positive soil and other more desirable be unsustainable, forcing a more considered combination ("rotation") of plants. E.g. I believe tomatoes presently convert to something like a sixth of the soil needed for its production. I could imagine e.g. lettuce converting to a fair amount of soil vs its saturation.

I'm not sure the historical fuel value for land fills are that important; and you must consider dropping it as an alternative altogether? (soil e.g. crucially containing suitable minerals)

5 years ago

Yeah, i guess the "landfill = 200 compost" is a bit out of balance. Maybe lower that and add another recipe combining landfill with plant mesh or straw.

5 years ago

I started a mod that builds on ColonialCharter and FoodIndustry. The first version is just set live.

5 years ago

I'm preparing an update now, it should be interesting :P. Introduced a new mechanic of eating, add new type of capsule and add the basic drinks - water.
The effects are not working at the moment, I am bringing them in line with this suggest.

5 years ago

Some balance in Food Industry 2 (beta 0.8.58)
"landfill = 60 compost",
"compost" increased fuel_value = "9000J",
"straw" increased fuel_value = "0.76J".

New response