Fluidic Power

Overhauls the power network to use the game's built-in fluid system in an attempt to make electricity more realistic. Adds working transformers for high power transmission, and creates various new and interesting power distribution challenges. Similar to the mods Flow Network and High Voltage, but significantly different by being the first mod that uses no on-tick power calculations. This means the UPS impact should be minimal for non-gigantic bases.

9 months ago

b [Out of Scope] Collision mask issue with Space Exploration

3 years ago

I'm loading Fluidic Power with just Space Exploration (and it's required dependencies) and am getting the following error:

Error while running setup for entity prototype "fluidic-small-electric-pole-in-electric" (electric-pole): next_upgrade target (fluidic-medium-electric-pole-in-place) must have the same collision mask.

3 years ago

Unfortunately, as I mentioned in the FAQ, this mod definitely doesn't work with Space Exploration, and I'm not planning on adding support for it anytime soon. Space Exploration is a massive mod pack with many moving parts, and Fluidic Power tweaks one of the foundational entities of the game, the power poles. Ensuring compatibility is a massive undertaking. That said, Fluidic Power also has a big UPS cost, and SE saves become massive. Personally, I would not add Fluidic Power to SE even if I could since the UPS drain when you get to mid-game would be immense.

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