Fluid Must Flow

Adds very large pipes with enormous throughput capabilities.

a year ago
0.17 - 1.1
Logistics Fluids

g Big Tank/Big Turbine/Big Heatex

2 years ago

The mod "Realistic Fusion Power" adds 10x Power steam turbines and heat exchangers, but only makes them a different color to visually distinguish from vanilla types; If you're using FMF, odds are good you're using it in Large Power applications where sustained flow over 9000/s is possible. The number of standard turbines/tanks needed for Gigawatt-scale powerplants is unwieldy and frankly, a bit visually unappealing. I would figure a proportionate storage tank or turbine would have 4x Capacity if treated as 'pancake flat' but 8x if treated with Square-Cube Law. These larger power production assets would strongly complement Space Exploration mod and its Very Large power demands, as well as making them fit visually with the FMF Ducts